Cheap Pops - Wrestling News & Views - October 4, 2015
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Cheap Pops - October 4, 2015
by Chris Delloiacono, Mike Maillaro and Jeff Ritter
This week!
- NXT Takeover Predictions
- WWE sets new record for low ratings
- PWS Results - October 3, 2015
- NXT Results - September 30, 2015
NXT Takeover: Respect Predictions
Mike: Up front, I will say I question the logic of having an “event” where the NXT Title and the NXT tag titles are not being defended.
Chris: This is definitely a strange one. Nothing super exciting going on, but it does get some new people in the mix.
1 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic tournament semi-final - Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe vs. The Mechanics (Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder)
Mike: This sounds like a house show match. The Mechanics seem to have some talent, but we really haven’t gotten to see much from them. I can’t imagine they will make the finals...especially over the two biggest stars current in NXT.
Chris: Agreed. I like Dawson & Wilder but they've been floating around doing nothing forever. Doesn't sound like a house show even. This has more of a feel of a Saturday morning WWF Superstars match from the '80s.
Mike’s Prediction: Finn/Joe
Chris's Prediction: Finn/Joe
2 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic tournament semi-final - Jason Jordan and Chad Gable vs. Baron Corbin and Rhyno
Mike: I am glad they are finally giving Corbin some real matches to wrestle. He’s still pretty green, but he was never going to improve with 30 second matches. I think he’s coming along pretty well. Rhyno is a little past his prime, but he still looks like a wrecking machine.
Jordan and Gable are two talented up and comers. I really think they are going to win this match. WWE seems real high on Jordan and Gable, and I can see them getting a little bit of a push.
Chris: Jordan and Gable have been getting some solid TV time. I'm like them a lot actually. I see more potential in them than Blake and Murphy. Still, I don't think they're going to win this match. That would be a pleasant surprise and WWE hasn't done much of that lately.
Mike’s Prediction: Jordan/Gable
Chris's Prediction: Rhyno/Baron Corbin
3 Dusty Rhodes Classic Finals (winners of first two matches)
Mike: I am predicting Jordan/Gable Vs. Finn Bálor/Samoa Joe for the finals. On the surface, that makes this a real easy pick. No way the NXT’s two top guys lose to Jordan and Gable...right? I am going to say WRONG! Joe has hinted for a while he wants to be NXT champ. And NXT is lacking a top heel right now. So I suspect Joe will turn on Finn, setting up a match for them for NXT Takeover London in two months. So that gives Jordan/Gable the win.
Chris: That's brilliant booking. I bet that will happen very soon, but I'd be surprised if the Dusty Classic ended on a downer. I see it more as Finn/Joe celebrating with the Rhodes family and getting a feel good moment, though. I hope you're right, though.
Mike’s Prediction: Jordan/Gable
Chris's Prediction: Joe/Finn
4 Apollo Crews vs. Tyler Breeze
Mike: This is such a random match. It would have made more sense to finish Tyler’s feud with Bull Dempsey at Takeover Respect. But I still want to see this match. Apollo is a great talent, and I like that he’s been having long and entertaining matches. Typically, a not new arrival only does squash matches, which has always been a huge mistake for me. But Apollo Crews has shown he can work a longer match, including selling his opponents’ offense.
Tyler is always entertaining, but he loses most of his big matches. I think it’s pretty likely he’s going to be losing to Apollo, but they should still have a very good match.
Chris: This is just as random as throwing Breeze to Jushin Luger in Brooklyn. Looks like another epic loss for Prince Pretty. I like Crews a lot so far, but what's with the de-push for Breeze? We talked about the poor future ahead for Tyler a while back, and looks like we were right.
Mike’s Prediction: Apollo Crews
Chris's Prediction: Apollo Crews
5 Asuka Vs Dana Brooke
Mike: There is no justice in the world when Dana Brooke is getting a match at NXT Takeover. Dana Brooke has no appeal to me. The only thing impressive she can do is that standing flip she does. That is it. She’s terrible on the mike. She has a limited move set..and even that is being generous. She’s not even all that attractive. As usual, the WWE seems to want to push someone just because they are big. What a waste of a roster space.
I am looking forward to seeing Asuka in the ring. I hope she mops the floor with Dana Brooke. I usually don’t want to see a squash, but if that means Dana Brooke will be off my TV faster, than I am all for it here.
Chris: Be thankful this isn't Eva Marie, but I agree with everything you say. Nothing about Brooke appeals to me. Hopefully Asuka hits some fantastic spots and blows the doors off the building. I'm excited to see her.
Mike’s Prediction: Asuka
Chris's Prediction: Asuka
6 Bayley (c) vs. Sasha Banks 30-minute Iron Woman match for the NXT Women's Championship
Mike: I have no idea how these two talented women can possibly top their match at NXT Takeover Brooklyn. They deserve the main event, though it would be better if it was on a much better card. I hate to sound sour, because I am really happy for them both and really looking forward to this match.
Who wins it? I think Sasha is basically moved on from NXT to the main roster, so I can’t see Bayley losing the title to here. Hopefully some of the new NXT divas will be able to give her matches anywhere near this quality.
Chris: This should be a lot of fun, and with the multiple pitfalls, the ladies can tell a new kind of ring story. This match should be the best of the night, so I'm thrilled they are main eventing. It really is sad that the women get their moment in the spotlight on such a pedestrian card, though. Takes a lot of luster off of a major accomplishment.
Your analysis on the winner is dead on. I also think this might be a one-time deal unless they develop someone else on the level of the Divas Revolution women.
Mike’s Prediction: Bayley
Chris's Prediction: Bayley
WWE sets new record for low ratings, two weeks in a row!
From Lords of Pain
- Monday's episode of WWE RAW, with the Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt in the main event, drew 3.333 million viewers. This is down from last week's 3.349 million viewers and a new non-holiday low going back to July 2012 when RAW went to three hours.
For this week's show, the first hour drew 3.476 million viewers, the second hour drew 3.326 million viewers and the final hour drew 3.188 million viewers.
RAW was #3 for the night in viewership behind SportsCenter and the NFL's Monday Night Football, which drew drew 13.514 million viewers. RAW was #4 for the night in the 18-49 demographic, behind the NFL, SportsCenter and Love & Hip-Hop.
Mike: I have to admit, while I watch most of the PPV’s and all of NXT, I haven’t sat through an entire episode of Raw in a very long time. Pretty much the only thing I go out of my way to watch is any segments with The New Day. I know that with football starting, NFL always takes a ratings hit this time of the year, but as the article said, this is the lowest the ratings have been since Raw went to three hours. That has to send some kind of message to the people in charge: THIS IS NOT WORKING!
Chris: There's just nothing much worth seeing on WWE Raw these days. It's the same recycled stories, main event tag or six-man matches, twenty minute promos, and non-title matches.
Mike: The depressing part is that I almost guarantee they will take the wrong message from this. SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DON’T HAVE CENA FINISH EVERY SHOW? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN CENA ISN’T CHAMP? But the booking, pretty much top to bottom has been unappealing to me lately. The WWE has a huge amount of talent these days, but can’t seem to figure out what to do with them. I hate to sound like a broken record because we say this so often, but it’s no less true.
Chris: Well, Cena is either hurt or up to personal business, because he's been pulled from a ton of upcoming events. That's not to say he won't be on top again soon, but it won't be right away.
WWE's issue has been several years of chicken shit heels like Orton or Rollins that can't do anything without the Authority. Other than months of that same old crap, you had either Brock as the absentee champion or Super Cena. The only really engaging TV on top in the last five years was when Punk or Bryan were the lightning rods for change. Otherwise the top has been filled with the same old plots we've seen again and again.
Tell me, who's the big hero everyone is supposed to get behind right now? Kane?
Mike: I am counting the days until Lucha Underground comes back on the air. I need my wrestling fix, and WWE just isn’t doing it for me. NXT has been much better the last few weeks, but I still need more!
Chris: NXT has left me cold for quite some time. Like the main roster, there's just nothing much that's compelling on the shows. We definitely need Lucha back soon! Hopefully it's very early 2016 when season 2 drops.
Mike: You know what else is odd? WWE is pushing this Live Show at Madison Square Garden. But no sign of Brock Lesnar. Not like I really want to see a Brock Lesnar/Big Show match, but it seems like there is some history they could build on here, so at least they can tell an interesting story around it. But nope. We continue pushing an absentee wrestler for Brocktober (I stole that from someone on Gamefaqs, but I like that name so much better than the Road to Hell Tour) and wonder “Why are our ratings so lousy?”
Chris: Brock is one of the only guys getting a sustained push as a dominant force, yet he's never on TV. Your supposed best guy never being on TV makes for a very lousy show.
NXT Results September 30, 2015
- Show starts with some news from the Dusty Classic. The semi-finals and finals will be on next Wednesday’s NXT Takeover Respect.
- Jordan/Gable def. Hype Bros. They will face Baron Corbin and Rhyno at Respect.
- Dash/Dawson def the Vaudevillains. They will face the winner of tonight’s match between Finn/Joe and Enzo/Big Cass.
- Enzo and Big Cass come down to the ring with Carmella. They hype Dustry before the match
- Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals matchup: Finn Balor/Samoa Joe def. Enzo and Big Cass with a Muscle Buster/Coup De Grace combination.
- Gargano and Ciampa cut promo. Disappointed they didn’t do better high expectations for themselves. They are looking to the future. Tyler Breeze comes to taunt them about costing him a chance at the Dusty Rhodes Classic. He demands a match with Tomaso Ciampa.
- Promo video for Asuka showing some footage of her work overseas. She just looks so badass. Can’t wait to see her wrestle!
- Apollo Crews def. Johnny Gargano with Gorilla Press following by Standing Moonsault.
- Regal is backstage with Dana Brooke and Emma. Since they caused trouble at Asuka’s debut last week, Regal is giving Asuka a match against Dana Brooke at NXT Respect. Dana mocks Asuka “running away” last week. Regal shows them some footage of Asuka training. Dana’s face drops. Regal asks if they have anything more to say. Emma says, “Good luck with that” and gets the hell out of there.
- Promo video for Nia Jax
-We see Asuka training. Again with that creepy little smile.
- Dana Brooke and Emma def. Billie Kay and Peyton Royce. Dana hit her finisher after Emma caused a distraction.
- Jordan and Gable cut a promo about facing Corbin and Rhyno. They are not the underdogs here...Corbin and Rhyno don’t stand a chance. Dash and Dawson interrupt, pissed that Jordan/Gable implied they have no chance in getting to the finals. The two teams starts to jaw at each other for a bit.
- Tyler Breeze def. Ciampa with the Unprettier.
- Baron Corbin/Rhyno cut a promo about being unstoppable. They are a nightmare to any dreamers who think they can be beaten.
-Show ends hyping NXT Respect, including a lengthy video breaking down the history of Sasha and Bayley as we head to their main event match next week.
Mike: The opening match was a little short, but it was still a pretty good match. Enzo and Big Cass definitely held their own against the two top guys in NXT. I have said for a while that Big Cass looks like he could really sustain a strong push. I hope some higher ups in WWE see this match and agree.
Gargano and Crews matched up brilliantly. Some real unique moves and combos. Gargano really didn’t catch my eye during his matches in the Dusty classic, but as a singles competitor, he looks real talented. I hope we get to see more of him in NXT.
Billie Kay and Peyton Royce looked terrific. Nice to see some of the new NXT wrestlers getting a chance to show what they can do. They look a hell of a lot better than either Dana Brooke or Eva Marie.
I loved that Tyler used the Unprettier (Christian originally used to call the Kill Switch that) to defeat Ciampa. This was another real good match. Actually the whole show featured some real good wrestling. No squashes at all. Pretty much everyone came out looking good. I was a little surprised that had both Gargano and Ciampa lose. I really hope they end up signing these guys, both of them look like they could have a huge impact on NXT.
Pro Wrestling Syndicate Results - October 3, 2015
Habib From The Car Wash def. Matt Macintosh
Starman won a three-way match against Craven Varro and Lifeguard Mike Del. This match started as Starman vs Craven, but Lifeguard Mike Del came out and wanted in. Everyone agreed, so it was made a triforce match. Starman won when Lifeguard crashed into his new manager Dylan Stiffwood (I miss Ashley Massaro) and got rolled up.
Brian Myers def. Colt Cabana, by holding on to the ropes to make a pin
Fallah Bahh def Kevin Matthews by DQ. Heavenly Body Dustin ran in during the match with a chair. Kevin Matthews pulled the chair away from him, and used it on Fallah Bahh. Ref called for a DQ.
Bonesaw defeated Chris Payne after Brian Myers interferred.
Real Deal Craig Steele def Philip Simon II
Aesthetics Enterprise def Team Espana when their manager Jay Enterprise gave Team Espana a low blow with his parasol. Remember kids, there is a difference between an umbrella and a parasol.
Brian XL and Delroy won a triforce tag match against the Untouchables and Balls Mahoney/CPA. Afterwards Balls offered to teach CPA how to be a badass if CPA would teach him accounting.
Main Event - Dan Maff def. Giant Leather
Mike: This was the first time I have been to a Pro Wrestling Syndicate show outside their “home arena,” the Rahway Recreation Center. This show was at the Columbian Club in Union, NJ. This was a bit of a smaller venue, and the place had real low ceilings. PWS has some great high flyers and some were left off the card (like Amazing Red). And others seemed a little restricted in what they could do without hitting the ceiling.
Chris: The venue definitely could use a little more headroom, but otherwise I loved the closeness and how the ring itself was lower. It put us right on top of the action.
Mike: Like all PWS shows, it was very well organized. PWS always puts on shows that feel big time, bringing in big name guests and putting on terrific matches. If you are in New Jersey, you really should check out a PWS show. Totally worth it! We got front row seats for $30 for last night’s show.
Chris: So true. I always enjoy myself immensely at PWS shows. It's often a far more engaging and entertaining experience than a WWE event.
Mike: I got to meet Vampiro at the show. I’ve been a fan since his WCW days, and I was real impressed by his match at Ultima Lucha against Pentagon Jr. Vampiro seemed surprisingly humble and quiet when I met him. He wasn’t rude or anything like that, just very laid back.
Chris: He was laid back but very genuine. He wasn't there to ring his own bell. He was so understated. Even when you said how much you loved the Ultima Lucha match, he just said it was "Alright."
Mike: Also in attendance was Chyna, though I didn’t get around to meeting her. She seemed to be cool and had smiles for everyone. All the other wrestlers seemed to take the time to go over and show their respect. No matter what anyone may think about Chyna’s post-wrestling career, she is an icon. Don Muraco was there too. I am sure Chris will talk about him...
Chris: The original "Rock"! Damn I'm thrilled to have met him. Muraco was one of my first favorites. I bought his shirt and wore it for years. His IC title runs were epic, his matches with Hogan were awesome, and I loved his tag team with Bob Orton. I even was cool with the run with Billy Graham as his manager.
We only had a couple minutes but it was a blast hearing Don's voice again which gave us so many mesmerizing promos! Nothing beats meeting a favorite like him.
Mike: While PWS always brings in some great guests, I am also a fan of the wrestling product they put on. I did think we got a few too many run-in finishes last night, but the matches were still very entertaining. My favorite match of the night was Team Espana Vs Aesthetics Enterprise. Damian Gibbs and Beefcake Charlie know how to work a crowd brilliantly. There is a lot of great humor in their style, but they also can use classic tag team heel tactics too. They just make it work so well, and Team Espana were perfect opponents to show off their talents.
Chris: I can't understand why WWE hasn't come calling for the Aesthetics yet. They have a great look, good ring skills, and a commanding presence.
Mike: I also enjoyed Kevin Matthews Vs Fallah Bahh. Both men did a terrific job engaging the crowd. You can tell Matthews and Bahh were really enjoying themselves, and the crowd was eager to feed off that energy.
Chris: Definitely a fun match with good humor and some hard hitting action. I also want to mention The Untouchables work in the Triforce tag match. Bowens and Wayward have mega heel personas and really make the crowd hate them. They do their job so well.
Oh, and how about the opener? Macintosh and Habib have such amazing chemistry with each other. This match wasn't quite as good as some of their others, but it was an excellent pace setter for the night of action.
Mike: Yeah, that was a great opener. Though I do think this feud between Macintosh and Habib has gone on forever! But they do make it convincing every time they are in the ring.
Chris: Most of the guys we mentioned are PWS trained stars, and it exemplifies why they are such a fun promotion. They have built a fantastic base of talent from within.
Mike: Pro Wrestling Syndicate returns to the Rahway Rec Center on October 24. Rob Van Dam Vs John Hennigan (John Morrison/Johnny Mundo), And PJ Black (Justin Gabriel) Vs Amazing Red. Also Raven, Ricky Steamboat, and “The Genius” Lanny Poffo will be there. Unfortunately, I will likely miss that show, but I am planning on going to the November 20th show at Starland Ballroom (which is real close to my house). Justin Credible will be wrestling his last match! Against Tommy Dreamer!
Chris: I don't think I'll make it to the Rahway show either but count me in for Starland!
One quick note: At the Pro Wrestling Syndicate, they had mentioned in passing that someone had stolen the PWS TV Title. Co-owner Pat Buck confirmed this on Facebook on Monday morning:
Hey guys, Pat here. About two weeks ago, our PWS Television Championship Title that can be seen on our PWS TV Online weekly youtube show was thought to be misplaced during the event in Edison. Chris Payne, our current Champion, was hoping that someone moved/took his title as a joke. Unfortunately, this is not the case and the title was stolen from the locker room. Though it was closed off to the public, there were several thousand people at the festival, and someone could of found access to where the PWS crew was. If anyone has any information, leads, or has the title please let us know immediately.
This is horrible! I hope the title turns up soon!