Cirsova, Little Rocket Team Up to Publish WILD STARS III: WARMAGEDDON
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Cirsova Publishing has teamed up with Little Rocket Publications on the eve of the 35th anniversary of Michael Tierney’s Wild Stars® to publish a special edition of WILD STARS III: TIME WARMAGEDDON.
Faster-than-light scouts are arriving at distant suns to discover that they have been “replaced” by white dwarfs and their planets have gone missing… Terraformers find a world that shows signs of previous human colonization: who were those people and where did they go? The saga of the Wild Stars continues as former-President Bully Bravo seeks to solve these mysteries while pursued by an evil pirate queen and a rogue time-traveler trying to create a god.
Over the last 35 years, the world of the Wild Stars has come to encompass multiple comics, novels, art folios, and a zine, and it has featured work by comic industry veterans Frank Brunner (Doctor Strange, Howard the Duck), Dave Simons (Ghost Rider), and David Brewer (Cable, Deadpool). This new illustrated novel features cover art by Tim Lim (Thump: The First Bundred Days, My Hero Magademia) and interior illustrations by Mark Wheatley (Jonny Quest, Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall).
This edition of WILD STARS III: TIME WARMAGEDDON will be a Kickstarter exclusive; it is available for pre-order now and will ship in September. Cirsova Publishing and Little Rocket Publications will also be making an extensive catalog of older Wild Stars material, including some of the few remaining original Wild Stars comics and art portfolios from the 1980s, available to new fans and old.
Michael Tierney has been involved in comics and the publishing industry since the 70s. Owner and proprietor of both The Comic Book Store and Collector's Edition, Michael is a staple of Central Arkansas' comic scene. He's written, published, and at times even penciled, inked, and printed his own comics. He is currently writing, lettering, and coloring Edgar Rice Burroughs® Beyond the Farthest StarTM. Wild Stars III: Time Warmageddon comes right on the heels of his four volume Edgar Rice Burroughs 100 Year Art Chronology published by Chenault & Gray.
Cirsova Publishing is a Central Arkansas small publisher of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Its flagship publication, Cirsova Heroic Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine was a 2017 Hugo Awards finalist for Best Semi-Pro Zine.
For Information:
Michael Tierney/Little Rocket Publications:
Cirsova: / Twitter: @cirsova