Submitted by Zach Dailey on Thu, 03/09/2017 - 21:33
Welcome to the stream! Zach has decided to play the all out popular game Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
(We were originally going to play Final Fantasy XV but for osme reason I couldn't start a new game and there more downloads I need to do... Typical PS4 crap... TOMORROW! I will play Final Fantasy XV.)
Critical Blast and Game Jab want to thank you all so much for tuning in on this first time moment in Game Jab history and as a thank you we want to inform you Game Jab is currently hosting a give away featuring a VidPro professonal video and broadcasting boom microphone kit. We will also be releasing more details for more future give away prizes such as Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild for either the Nintendo Switch or Wii U.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 03/06/2017 - 02:33
While Zach uncovers the truth of what is really going on in the galaxy, Kevin is uncovering the truth in weird news articles. You wont believe what you'll hear! _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Fri, 03/03/2017 - 08:42
Kevin shares and reviews with Zach some scary movies he's watched, as Zach continues to push forward. _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Wed, 03/01/2017 - 07:22
Zach and Kevin talk about animal cruelty and re-hash the past while Kevin smacks a beating in Street Fighter X Tekken. _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 02/27/2017 - 08:48
The boys play their first Gameboy Color game on the show. What's the game? Pokemon, Zelda, Mario? ... No. It's Mr. Game And Watch Gallery 2! _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Critical Blast Staff on Fri, 02/24/2017 - 08:00
2016 is the third year that Critical Blast has done our Best Of awards, but it's the first year that we've had a category for Best Video Game -- largely due to the inclusion of Game Jab as our partners in this (formerly) under-represented arena.
Now, normally, this is where we would tell straight up who the winner is, after telling you who all the other nominees were, as well as include a highly technical (and very scientific) pie chart, because nothing says statistical selection like a pie chart.
But the boys had a different idea. So click the play button below and setting in for the most anticipated awards show on the Internet! (Oscars, eat your heart out!) Because it's time for the...
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Sun, 02/19/2017 - 22:28
The boys play BATMAN RETURNS for the SNES, and things get heated! No seriously: there's a level where you are surrounded by fire! _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Fri, 02/17/2017 - 04:10
The boys continue another What If situation, while Zach struggles to keep Mario alive. _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 00:48
The boys try to continue Mario Galaxy and it just gets harder and harder. _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Sun, 02/12/2017 - 23:02
Zach once again digs up another great gem from his past in hopes the two will enjoy some classic SNES time together. _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Wed, 02/08/2017 - 00:13
The boys get in deep with a stimulating conversation about personal growth, and boy does Zach get chatty in this episode! _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 00:36
Zach's anger starts to rise as Kevin continues to laugh at him and enjoy all this anger coming out of him. Will Zach beat this stupid space ship? _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Fri, 02/03/2017 - 07:38
Zach and Kevin dig up this lump of coal out of a pile of gems. Zach is instantly reminded as to why he never continued to play this game as a kid and it also explains the amount of dust we had to remove from this N64 cartridge.
"I can put my feelings about this game into four words: What. A. Horrible. Game!" ~ Zach.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Tue, 01/31/2017 - 23:14
The boys travel down a haunted galaxy and explore new powers along with new attitude. _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Mon, 01/30/2017 - 10:00
Thank you to Jordan Johnson for suggesting this game. Zach knew he would not only would he smash at Super Smash Bros but smash Kevin in it as well.
Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.
A special thanks to those who have already subscribed to us and if you are a new subscriber than thank you very much and welcome!
If you have a game to suggest then please feel free to write it down below.
Critical Blast – A partnership with Critical Blast. Where Pop Culture gets blasted!
Submitted by Zach Dailey on Fri, 01/27/2017 - 00:10
The boys are still at it playing one of Zach's child hood favorite not good but not bad game called Chameleon Twist. This is a Pt. 2 of the same episode previous. We had to break it up because the recording was too long and it was causing Adobe Premiere Pro CC to freak out. _ Thanks for watching! Any view that we get is a shining moment for us but let us know how this episode made you feel because we are here to keep you entertained.